
Whattttt PIZZA IS A HEALTHY FOOD? | Prachi Shah | Nutrition | The Spotlight India#shorts

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Are you tired of the constant pressure to maintain specific health metrics and numbers?
Do you find yourself reaching for chocolates whenever you're stressed?
In this episode of Just Curious podcast, we sit down with Prachi Shah, a Clinical Nutritionist and Founder of Health Habitat, to explore the true meaning of being healthy.

We dive deep into why health is not just about numbers and metrics, but rather about holistic well-being. Prachi shares her insights on the relationship between food and emotions and why we crave certain foods during specific moods.

Moreover, we discuss practical tips and the best vitamins for brain power and focus on keeping your brain functioning at its maximum efficiency throughout the day, along with other exciting topics.

So, if you're looking to prioritize your health and well-being, this podcast episode is a must-watch. Join us in this thought-provoking conversation and discover how you can redefine your approach towards a healthy lifestyle.

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel, Just Curious, for more insightful discussions like this.

Host: Utsav Brahmbhatt (https://instagram.com/utsavbrahmbhatt...)
Editor: Deep Bhensala (https://instagram.com/deepbhensala?ut...)
Thumbnail: Deep Bhensala (https://instagram.com/deepbhensala?ut...)


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