
What I Eat in a Day | Trying the "Healthy" Lifestyle | Adulting Diaries

Hi there

This is the first time in my entire life that I am volunteering to start and live a "healthy" lifestyle. Growing up, the pressure to look a certain way was a lot and I was mindful enough to not let the toxic beauty standards manipulate me. However, in the process, I developed another kind of unhealthy relationship with food and didn't take care of my body. I thought eating healthy meant that I am conforming to societal standards. So at 23, with the help of a trainer and a therapist, I am now on this journey.
That said, I don't want to encourage people and especially young people to jump on various "diets" and "fasts". I am eating healthy but I am not starving myself and I am eating well. I still want to eat good food every day and so I am creating healthy food that I find tasty too.

With that, sending love and positivity to everyone.


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