
Types of anxiety | mental health | anxiety disorder

Types of anxiety | mental health | anxiety disorder

1.Catastrophic Fears
Belief of something bad is going to happen

Separation Anxiety the fear being away from loved ones.

Specific fears and phobias e.g Arachnophobia, ophidiophobia etc

2.Fear of Evaluation
Social Phobia: The most common type of anxiety. The feeling of being watched and judged.

Selective Mustism inability to speak in certain situation.

3.Losing Control
Panic disorder: Fear of lose of control that comes from panic attack.

Agoraphobia: Avoid public places that trigger panic attack.

4.Fear Of Uncertainty
Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Fixation on impulses and thoughts. Bizarre thought can come to any mind but when it comes to someone with OCD he start to avoid those things in real life like the chair is sexy and it's bizzare thought a normal person may say what's an unusual thought and move on but a person with OCD will avoid seeing the chairs in real life or if he see he will do some self made ritual to feel better.

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