
Treatment for Anxiety Disorders | Medications and Therapies | Lecturio Nursing

In this video “Treatment for Anxiety Disorders” you will learn about:
►Recall the classes of medications used to treat anxiety and list examples of each
►Describe the client education required for anti-anxiety medication
►Identify non-pharmacological treatments for anxiety
►List the most appropriate medication classes for specific anxiety disorders
►Describe health teaching points for clients with anxiety disorders and their families

00:00 What types of Medications are used to treat Anxiety
03:10 Patient Education for Anxiety Medications
05:01 Medications for Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder
05:21 Medications to Treat Phobias
06:21 Types of Therapy to Treat Anxiety

► This video is part of the Lecturio course “Mental health”
► WATCH the complete course on http://lectur.io/anxiety

► THE PROF: Brenda Marshall is a Professor of Nursing at William Paterson University, and a board-certified psychiatric nurse practitioner and Fulbright Scholar Specialist in Mental Health. She guides nursing students in a professional and effective way through the sensitive topic of mental health, including mood and personality disorders, plus neurocognitive and neurodegenerative illnesses.

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