
The Pen that Floats, Hovers, and Spins! And draws! (And other cool pens)

FlexiSpot Kana Pro Bamboo Standing Desk https://bit.ly/3IsU1Oe
#flexiblewfh #MyFlexiDesk


Let me know if you have any cool pens you want me to look at! I love pens.

Here's the Hoverpen 3.0 that I looked at: https://www.thehoverpen.com/
Crushmetric Pen: https://www.crushmetric.com/
Drillog dip pen: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/shion-craftsman/drillog-unique-structure-of-dip-pen
This is the Shackleton book I was talking about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endurance:_Shackleton%27s_Incredible_Voyage

My new book Dayfever: https://amzn.to/2WWIFuK
The rest of my books: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00HVOQ27S

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My Website......... https://www.peterdraws.com/
Email................... [email protected]
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