
Stir-Fried Burdock | 和风牛蒡 | Nutritious & Healthy Recipes with just 4 Simple Ingredients | 营养健康的日式家常菜

When Simple & Easy meets Nutritious & Healthy, this is how I cook Burdock today's recipe!

【4 Ingredents】
Burdock 牛蒡 | Carrot 胡萝卜 | Garlic 大蒜 | Chilli 红椒

【4 Seasonings】
Salt 盐 | Sugar 糖 | Oyster Sauce 蚝油 | Soy Suace 酱油

Soaking the burdock slices with viengar to avoid oxidizing

1. Burdock: Reduce Inflammtion, Improve Blood Sugar, Prevent Cancer, Antioxidant
2. Carrot: Reduce Risk of Heart Disease & Cancer, Balance Blood Pressure & Sugar

#burdock #burdockroot #carrot #carrotrecipe #japanesefood #antioxidants #healthydiet #healthycooking #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #nutritiousfood #nutritiousfood

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