
Soothing Music Immerses You In Nostalgic Dreams - Music That Warms Your Heart

#stressrelief #positivethinking #restorativesleep
Healing Music for Anxiety Disorders, Fears, Depression and Eliminate Negative Thoughts

#stressrelief #positivethinking #restorativesleep
Healing Music for Anxiety Disorders, Fears, Depression and Eliminate Negative Thoughts

Like other nourishing foods, music is also seen as food, but spiritually. Music not only improves mood, it fights depression, along with many benefits of listening to music that we are not aware of, such as reducing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate , and may have a beneficial effect. effect on sleep by helping to relax muscles and distract from thoughts.

In this channel you will find your plot of relaxation, rest and meditation. This channel was created to alleviate illnesses such as: stress, anxiety, etc. Also for people who simply want to relax, through music we alleviate all these pathologies and it has been shown that listening to certain types of music or natural sounds help relaxation or simply prepare us for sleep and achieve better sleep.

Have fun, relax and heal with my channel. ❤️

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