
Smell & Taste Disorders: Diagnosis & Treatment

The most common smell and taste disorders are:
Anosmia, a loss of sense of smell,
Ageusia, a loss of sense of taste,
Hyposmia, a reduced ability to smell.
Hypogeusia, a reduced ability to taste sweet, sour, bitter, or salty things.

Some other disorders may cause odors, tastes, or flavors to be misread or changed. All of these disorders can affect your quality of life and may also be a sign of an underlying disease. Particularly, the loss of smell can be dangerous if you are unable to detect the smell of things like fire or leaking gas.

Smell and taste disorders can be cause by a number of conditions including obesity, diabetes, COVID-19, high blood pressure, or nervous system diseases such as Parkinson or Alzheimer. However, many are caused by…
• A common cold, flu, or sinus infection
• Allergies
• Nasal polyps,
• Or other dental or mouth problems.

We diagnose your particular smell & taste disorder by considering…
• Your symptoms,
• Your comprehensive health history,
• A physical exam,
• And sometimes other tests where we measure your ability to smell or taste different chemicals.

Treatment for smell & taste disorders involve treatment of the underlying condition. It may be as simple as treating a sinus infection with over-the-counter medication and antibiotics, or it may require a surgical procedure to remove blockages that might be causes the loss of senses.

If you’ve noticed a change in your sense of taste and smell, the most important thing is to be seen be an ear, nose, and throat expertise to determine the exact cause and appropriate treatment. Proper treatment can improve your quality of life and keep you safe.
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