
Skills to Manage Complex Work - Healing Meditation

Healing meditation to feel relaxed and being able to handle / develop critical skills needed in complex work. (this is not a magic pill session that installs new programs). Everyone has all the needed resources at any given time.

What differentiates a successful person from a failure is the ability to connect and apply the available resources.

Easy work (less number of stages and levels) doesn't take much inner resource. and a person never gets stuck in it.

Hard or complex work is defined at many levels relative to the person. There are multiple skills needed, proper pre planning, execution and time limited.

Complex work:
- has multiple stages / levels
- critical
- might have less emotional pleasure
- makes one feel stressed
- there are lack of skills at some points
- the results are uncertain
- result is important to get ahead

The others things thak make a work complex are emotional or practical factors:
- you are not happy with the work
- your boss gets the credit for your work
- low salary more work
- no emotional motivation

There are certain reasons people get stuck in complex work. If the emotional and situational factors are removed there are some more critical aspects that cause the stuck experience.

One factor could be childhood trauma as it blocks development of multiple adult skills. Executive skills are generally missing in adults with traumatic background. their mind easily reaches a dysfunctional saturation and cannot handle complex states.

The other common reason is experiencing too much leisure and pleasure time. This cannot be called laziness because even lazy people get to work fulfill tasks and get back to rest.
The situation is inability to stay out of a pleasure state needed to work on a project.

Some examples: first love, too engrossed in porn and sexual acts, addictions.

The third reason could be emotional depletion or mental saturation due to overwork or emotional issues in life.


Beyond Placebo Project:
A writing project that began with studying Indian Yogic systems and spirituality then moved into concepts of human behavior. The first part of the work (published as Beyond Placebo) largely deals with different forms of trauma, its effects on life and some possible tools to overcome trauma.

The second book covers the concept that each experience is based on pre-imprinted programs from the past. To make a shift in life it needs to step out of the experience and identify the inner programs that controls the experience. This book explains the concept of spiritual awakening and self realization through various tools that allows to become aware of the inner programs.

Read more about the books:


Copyright policies: Only for personal use. All sessions, codes and the way of their use are ownership of BEYOND PLACEBO. Cannot be copied, used in professional sessions or sold in any form.

Music: YouTube Audio Library - Dreaming in 432 Hz by Unicorn Heads

Disclaimer: These videos are for educational purpose only. The idea of spirituality and quantum session are to be part of personal wellness habits. There is no medical prescription or treatment provided here. The creator and owner of this material does not take responsibility of any direct or indirect effect whatsoever, that the user may experience.Sleep healing meditation to surface and heal emotions of meaninglessness in life.
Connect with the deeper wisdom and realize everything that creates the sense of meaning for self.


Beyond Placebo Project:
A writing project that began with studying Indian Yogic systems and spirituality then moved into concepts of human behavior. The first part of the work (published as Beyond Placebo) largely deals with different forms of trauma, its effects on life and some possible tools to overcome trauma.

The second book covers the concept that each experience is based on pre-imprinted programs from the past. To make a shift in life it needs to step out of the experience and identify the inner programs that controls the experience. This book explains the concept of spiritual awakening and self realization through various tools that allows to become aware of the inner programs.

Read more about the books:


Copyright policies: Only for personal use. All sessions, codes and the way of their use are ownership of BEYOND PLACEBO. Cannot be copied, used in professional sessions or sold in any form.

Music: YouTube Audio Library - Dreaming in 432 Hz by Unicorn Heads

Disclaimer: These videos are for educational purpose only. The idea of spirituality and quantum session are to be part of personal wellness habits. There is no medical prescription or treatment provided here. The creator and owner of this material does not take responsibility of any direct or indirect effect whatsoever, that the user may experience.
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