
Rheumatic heart disease

റുമാറ്റിക് ഹൃദ്രോഗം (റുമാറ്റിക് ഹാർട്ട് ഡിസീസ്) https://youtu.be/5YrtYIQEPjc
रूमेटिक ह्रदय रोग (रूमेटिक हार्ट डिजीज) https://youtu.be/8_6qqmVsniE
Related videos: What is rheumatic fever? https://youtu.be/AX-CvAWeT2E Prevention of rheumatic fever: https://youtu.be/qGnFhVpcR9A
Rheumatic Heart Disease - Cardiology for Medical Students: https://youtu.be/RMgsZgFs9ik
Rheumatic heart disease is a group diseases which occur secondary to heart valve damage from a disease known as rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever is a disease in which antibodies produced by the body against a bacteria known as streptococci cross react with cells in the body.
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