
Pe237 A Cannabis Guide for Clinicians

There’s a huge gap in health care when it comes to cannabis and patients. Most clinicians not only don’t know the science, but they’re still afraid to discuss it openly. Dr. Dustin Sulak’s new book “Handbook of Cannabis for Clinicians” is working to solve that.

What would happen to the pharma industry if 100% of Doctors were open to recommending cannabis to patients? We discuss this and more with Dr. Dustin Sulak, the Founder & Medical Director of Integr8 Health.

Get the Handbook of Cannabis for Clinicians = https://www.amazon.com/Handbook-Cannabis-Clinicians-Principles-Practice/dp/0393714187

Connect with Dr. Sulak here = https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-dustin-sulak-a904068/

Discover Integr8 Health's patient consulting & healthcare worker education resources= https://cannaresearchfoundation.org/

P.S. World’s best search engine for Video Cannabis Education = https://periodicsearch.com/

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