
Orthopaedic Paathshaala | #Episode 1 | Low Back Pain - Causes, Back Care, Treatment Options

We welcome the NEW YEAR with a New and Innovative Initiative by Dr. Kunal Shah, Director and Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon at Ashutosh Hospital, Vadodara.

Orthopaedic Paathshaala: is an Educational Initiative to share some basic knowledge on common orthopaedic problems in Gujarati language.
In the first Episode, we will be discussing about Low Back Pain- causes, back care, non-operative and operative treatment options.

AAshutosh Hospital is one of the most renowned NABH orthopedic super specialty hospital in Vadodara City. Founded in 1990 by Dr. Ajay Shah, the hospital prides itself in being Amicable, Approachable, and Affordable.

We have a highly qualified team of doctors who are specialized in their different subspecialities like Joint Replacement, Trauma, Spine and Sports Medicine. Our goal is to provide our patients with the best care possible using the latest in research, techniques, and surgical equipment.

Ashutosh Hospital is the pioneering institute for Partial Knee Replacement(MICROPLASTY) and Comprehensive Knee care approach in the city.

Contact us on +919099941507, 0265 - 2332727/0265 - 2332728 or email us on [email protected].

Website: https://ashutoshhospital.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ashutoshospital
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AshutoshHospital

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