
""Multiple system atrophy: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Research" - Ming-Che Kuo (Taiwan)

Ming Che Kuo, MD (Taiwan, Speaking in Traditional Chinese)

Dr. Ming-Che Kuo was trained at the Department of Neurology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, and now he is a clinical neurologist at National Taiwan University Cancer Center, Taipei, Taiwan. He specializes in the clinical care and advanced studies of patients with movement disorders including Parkinson disease (PD) and atypical parkinsonism syndromes, particularly multiple system atrophy (MSA). His research interest encompasses genetic, epigenetics, neuroimage, and digital biomarkers of PD and MSA. He also participates in clinical trials of therapeutic agents in PD and ataxic symptom of MSA; the latter has been awarded as 2019 FutureTech Breakthrough Award, entitled “Developing novel drugs for the treatment of multiple system atrophy/ataxia: applying preclinical mouse behavioral phenotyping techniques and clinical motor assessments” by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.

- This lecture was given at the Defeat MSA Alliance

& MSA United All-Community MSA Conference (Sept 24-Oct 2, 2021)
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