
Midjourney - the SECRET nobody is showing you!

The best Midjourney blend AI tutorial. This will show you how to blend three images (and more) together with the blend command. I will also how to guide your prompt for the best result. The blend command can be tricky, so learn more about it here.

It's made on the Wacom Cintiq Pro 32 with Stable DIffusion, DALL-E, Photoshop, Google Colab and Macbook Pro, Atem Mini Pro, After Effects and Adobe Premiere.
▶ handle: https://www.youtube.com/@levendestreg
▶ You can subscribe to our channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/levendestreg?sub_confirmation=1
▶ RunDiffusion Promo Code: levendestreg15
▶ RunDiffusion reference: https://bit.ly/RunDiffusionLevendeStreg
▶ Style reference spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1h6H2CqjLdZMbLjlz6EHwemfO4fkIzAfWtjRAMSa2KHE/htmlview#
▶ Midjourney Styles and Keywords references: https://github.com/willwulfken/MidJourney-Styles-and-Keywords-Reference/blob/main/README.md
00:00:00 Are you looking for a better way to guide your prompts when doing blend with Midjourney?

00:00:35 How to add three images or more to your blend command in Midjourney.

00:01:01 So in order to actually blend the three and guide the generation, you need to combine the three images first with the blend command and then afterwards you can tweak the generation by doing a remix.

So in Stable Diffusion you don't need to blend images like that. You can train a model and then generate from any angle and perspective. Actually, there are five ways to train Stable Diffusion.

00:01:45 I have a mind blowing upcoming episode on inpainting - where I'll show you an advanced method of doing inpainting.

00:02:02 In that episode, I will also show you a way better alternative to Google Colab - called RunDiffusion.

So what if I only do the blend command of a cottage and the man? That means only two images.

So instead of blending the images, there is a great way to do that AND guide the prompt as well. Let's look at that.

How to upload images to Midjourney and copy the image address.

It’s actually a lot easier to do the /imagine command than the /blend command. And it often gives better results too.
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