MD vs DO - Which One is Better? #SHORTS

Although MDs and DOs are both doctors, there are some differences that you should be aware of. Here’s how to decide which one is right for you. To start, MDs attend allopathic medical schools and DOs attend osteopathic medical schools. On average, it is easier to get into DO school compared to MD school. The average GPA and MCAT for matriculants to MD schools in 2022 were 3.73 and 512 respectively compared to 3.56 and 505 for DO schools.

Although the curricula between the two are nearly identical, DO students must complete an additional 300-500 hours of training in osteopathic manipulative medicine, or OMM for short.

DO students also take the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examinations, or COMLEX, whereas MD students take the United States Medical Licensing Examinations or USMLE.

In terms of matching into residency, there is often an unspoken preference for MD students over DO students–especially at competitive programs. This isn’t to say that you can’t match into a competitive specialty as a DO; however, it is often more difficult.

Beyond training, however, there are few differences between MDs and DOs. Check out the full video to learn more.

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