
JAN Monthly Webcast Series - December 2021 - Accommodation Solutions for Autoimmune Disorders

Join JAN Lead Consultants Lisa Mathess and Teresa Goddard to explore workplace accommodations and AT options to keep your employees with autoimmune disorders safe and successful in the workplace. We will explore accommodations for a variety of limitations arising from autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, gastrointestinal diseases, Guillain-Barre syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and more. From fatigue to fine motor impairment and cognition to vision loss we will share real life accommodations for your consideration. Since autoimmune disorders can affect individuals differently, we will cover a range of common limitations include difficulty with activities of daily living, body fatigue and weakness, cognitive limitations, temperature sensitivity, gross and fine motor limitations, speech impairments, and vision issues. We will also discuss accommodation approaches tailored for roles in a variety of industries including administrative services, information technology (IT), manufacturing, transportation, and healthcare.
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