
Infectious Mononucleosis | Epstein-Barr Virus Disease | Kissing Disease | EBV Disease |

Mononucleosis is an infectious illness that’s usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It’s also called mono or “the kissing disease.”

The disease is highly contagious

EBV is part of the herpes virus family. Most people are exposed to it at some point in their lives

How Do You Get Mono?
EBV spreads through bodily fluids, usually saliva, which is why you can get it through kissing

Thats y its called as kissing disease

You can also get it if you share food, drinks, or silverware with a person who has it

If someone who has mono uses an object like a fork or spoon, the virus is probably still contagious as long as the object is still moist.

EBV can be spread through blood and semen

Infection and symtoms

After you are first exposed to EBV, there is an incubation period of several weeks before you start to have symptoms.

After the incubation period, the virus multiplies, and you may have symptoms.

After this period, which is called the acute primary infection, the virus will decrease in number.

If you had symptoms, they'll go away.

Common symptoms include:

Sore throat
Swollen lymph nodes
Sore muscles
Loss of appetite


Your doctor can usually diagnose mono based on your symptoms. They might also check for swelling in your tonsils, lymph nodes, and liver or spleen.
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