
Immunization & Tropical Diseases||Unit-2||CHN-II||BSN 5th Semester||Part-2||In Urdu/English

Dear viewer's This video lecture is all about Immunization & Tropical Diseases||Unit-2||CHN-II||BSN 5th Semester||Part-2||In Urdu/English


Overview of expanded Expended programme for Immunization(EPI) in Pakistan.
Review different types of immunity.
Enlist vaccines preventable diseases.
Explain the types of vaccines.
Identify contraindications of vaccines.
Tabulate vaccination schedule.
Discuss the importance of cold chain cold chain.
Discuss the responsibilities of a nurse to maintain cold chain

CHN-II playlist link
Community Health Nursing-II Bsn 5th semester: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnSifShhSc8_jxxgHEnxfi-JD0WrtBBGL
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