
Huge Blackheads And Acne Treatment #024

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the oil-secreting glands (sebaceous glands) become inflamed or infected, causing blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, lumps, and scars.

Acne appears at puberty induced by the onset of female (estrogen) and male (androgen) hormone production. Although most cases of acne resolve spontaneously in the second decade of life, there are exceptions and some people continue to experience symptoms well into adulthood, up to about age 35. Acne most often appears on the face, chest and back, where the number of sebaceous glands is greatest. It develops in people with a hereditary tendency; this means that a young person whose father and mother both had acne is more likely to have acne. However, you may be the first to have pimples in your family, as well as all your siblings, or only one of them may have acne-prone skin. Acne can have varying degrees, with greater or lesser inflammation. It is always more serious when it has cysts, lumps and many lesions.

How does it happen?
Acne is caused by infection or inflammation of the sebaceous glands at the base of the hair. The pores of the skin are filled with this material, forming the so-called blackheads. These can break, releasing the material inside the skin, generating pimples.

What are the symptoms?

– white blackheads, which are clogged sebaceous glands, with their orifice closed;
– blackheads, which are clogged sebaceous glands whose orifice is open. Oil turns dark when exposed to air;
– pustules (pimples), which are red, inflamed, infected sebaceous glands, sometimes filled with pus;

Some pimples can be painful, and in severe cases, cysts (fluid-filled bumps) can develop under the skin.

What types of acne?

Acne Grade I: only blackheads, no inflammatory lesions (pimples).
Grade II acne: small blackheads and pimples, with small inflamed lesions and yellow spots of pus (pustules).
Acne Grade III: blackheads, small pimples and larger, deeper, painful, reddened and well inflamed lesions (cysts).
Grade IV acne: blackheads, small pimples and large cystic lesions, multiple interconnecting abscesses and irregular scarring resulting in deformity of the affected area (acne conglobata).

How is it treated?

The treatment aims to keep dirt and oil out of the pores, thus reducing inflammation and will be indicated by a dermatologist, who will assess the degree of your acne and prescribe the most suitable medicines, which can be for local use or also medicines. orally, depending on the severity of the condition.

How can I take care of myself?

Follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor. Furthermore:

– wash your face 2 times a day with a mild, neutral soap;
– wash your hands frequently, and avoid touching your face unnecessarily;
– do not rub the skin or squeeze the pimples so that scars do not appear;
– do not rest your face in your hands while you read, study, or watch television;
– try to keep your hair away from your face;
– avoid the sun;
– although no studies have proven a link between acne and diet, some people have noticed that their acne worsens after eating certain types of foods.

Try to keep a record of your food and see if there are any foods that make your acne worse;
– do not miss follow-up appointments with your doctor. Keep a record of the treatments you used, and how they worked. There are many alternatives for you and your doctor, so don't give up!
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