
How to make bitter gourd or Ampalaya smoothie

Bitter gourd

Drinking smoothie everyday will have a good effect on our body. Our bowel movement can be regular and our body will have micro nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Through this, we will be fit every day to do our jobs and avoid getting serious illnesses. There are many different smoothie recipes to treat different types of diseases. By watching this video you will know the nutrients content of fruits that are suitable to cure and prevent any diseases. And if you want to reduce or avoid unwanted fats in you body to ne able to be fit and sexy all you have to do is drink a glass of smoothie everyday.
I am not an expert in the field of physical health but in my experience of drinking smoothies twice a day I feel better and I am no longer constipated.The main reason why I drink smoothies is to avoid getting colon cancer which is a common disease in my family.
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