
Hiatus Hernia Lax LES Best Treatment Permanent Cure Laparoscopic Surgery Laser Operation Acid Reflux

Gastric Acid Reflux is a very common problem and very frequently people will be diagnosed to have Hiatus Hernia, Lax LES or GERD once they get evaluated for their problems. This is one such patient who got appropriate treatment I the form of Laparoscopic Fundoplication Surgery and recovery very quickly. He is happy to share his experience with us. Since these surgeries are not very commonly available, many doctors are not much aware about these procedures and are reluctant to advice their patients to undergo the same. If you are not getting normal with medicines or are dependant upon them, you must consult an expert surgeon in this field to get back your normal life like this person.

हाय्टस हेर्निया, लैक्स एलईएस, असिडिटी, सीने में जलन - बहुत ही आम बीमारियाँ हैं और बहुत सारे ऐसे मरीज़ इसकी जड़ तक नहीं पहुँच पाते क्योंकि उन्होंने इनके माहिर डॉक्टर की सलाह नहीं ली होती और वह अपनी ज़िंदगी कठिनायी में बिताते जाते हैं। अगर आप दवाई से ठीक नहीं हो रहें हैं तो हो सकता है कि आपको ऑपरेशन की ज़रूरत हो लेकिन या आपके टेस्ट में ऐसा कुछ आया नहीं है या आपके डॉक्टर आपको इसकी सलाह नहीं दे रहे हैं। क्योंकि इनके ऑपरेशन ज़्यादा तर लोग नहीं करते इस लिए बहुत सारे दोक्टोरों को इनके बारे में विस्तार से पता नहीं होता। अगर आप भी इस इंसान की तरह परेशान हैं तो आज ही इनके माहिर सर्जन से मिलिए और इनसे जड़ से छुटकारा पाइए।

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STAR Hospital
9A, Link Road

Helpline: +91-9888958889

Website: http://drjasmeetahluwalia.com

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What is a hiatal hernia?

In this condition where upper part of stomach is pulled into chest and now lies in chest rather than abdomen. Normally stomach lies in abdomen (tummy). Food pipe joins stomach after coming out from chest through diaphragm (which separates chest from abdomen). Once stomach goes to chest, this disturbs the mechanism that prevents reflux of acid and food back into food pipe and leads to all the symptoms felt by such patient. The opening through which food pipe passes to reach abdomen is call hiatus and hence this condition is called Hiatus Hernia.

Risk Factors:

Prolonged coughing
Prolonged vomiting
Chronic constipation
Heavy weight lifting
Can be a defect at birth as well
Old age

Heartburns – especially on lying down
Reflux of acid or food into chest or mouth
Chest heaviness or pain
Feelling of vomiting or vomiting

GERD vs hiatal hernias:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is said to occur when food from stomach enters back into food pipe. The cause behind this may or may not be Hiatus Hernia.

Tests for Hiatus Hernia:

This is the gold standard and most commonly done test for Hiatus Hernia these days. A long flexible scope is inserted into from mouth via food pipe into stomach and hernia can be directly seen. Any complication due to hernia can also be seen.

Other tests like barium X-ray are not common these days.

Lifestyle changes:
Eating smaller meals split across several times a day instead of three large meals may help
Avoid any form of spices
Avoid oily food like parantha, samosa etc.
Decrease oil in sabzi
Avoid tea and coffee
Avoid alcohol, smoking
Avoid mint and chocolate
Avoid too citrus food like lemon juice, mosanbi juice etc
Do not sleep prone (belly down)
Avoid lifting heavy weight
Avoid tight clothes tied across abdomen

Treatment options for hiatal hernias:
If the hernia is small (under 2cm) and is not causing any symptom, it may not require any surgery. But if it is big (over 2cm) and especially if it is causing symptoms, it may require surgery. Medicines may be able to decrease symptoms of hernia but can not cure it. If left untreated, size of hernia may increase with time and become more difficult to operate upon.

You must seek an opinion from a surgeon who performs such type of surgeries if you require surgery for this disease. Since such surgeries are not being performed by all surgeons, you may not get a satisfactory reply from all doctors regarding need of surgery.

Laparoscopic Fundoplication:
This surgery is done by key hole method and hence there will be no big cut on abdomen (tummy). Migrated stomach is brought back into abdomen, loose hiatus is tightened and a wrap of upper stomach is created around food pipe to form a new valve to prevent reflux of food into food pipe. This is the most common surgery being done worldwide for hiatus hernia and gives excellent results. There are subtypes of this surgery which you may discuss with your surgeon before surgery.

#हाईट्स हरनिया
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