
Healthy Eating Over the Holidays

We are discussing how to keep kids eating healthy during the holidays. Joining us from the Johns Hopkins Children's Center are Dr. Kristin Arcara, a pediatric endocrinologist, and Dr. Jennifer Dantzer, a pediatric allergist and immunologist. They will provide tips and answer the following questions.

This is the time of year- full of treats, special meals, and desserts.
What are some of the concerns for all of us about holiday foods, from a nutritional standpoint?

What is diabetes, and why is this time of year problematic for children with diabetes?

What are some common pediatric food allergies, and what are the concerns during the holidays for kids with food allergies?

How can children with diabetes enjoy holiday foods safely? What should parents keep in mind?

For children with food allergies, what can they/their parents do to keep them safe while allowing them to have seasonal treats and foods?

For all of us- no matter our age- what are some other “health pitfalls” for this time of year? Tips for staying healthy?
Healthy food
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