
Grieving and TYPES, SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF COMMON MENTAL DISORDER Grade 7 Health Week 8 Third Quarter

Death is the end of a person's bodily existence as a result of an illness, aging, or other factors. an unintended consequence Loss "occurs when someone dies or when a life situation changes or ends," and Grief "occurs when someone dies or when a living situation changes or ends." "The emotional pain brought on by a loss, calamity, or misfortune" (Meeks, et al., 2007).
Furthermore, grief and loss might "include a shift in the family, changes in living situations, and changes in the environment." a friend's death, suicide, a well-known person's death, disasters in the news, and the misplacement of prized possessions" (Meeks, et al., 2007). Loss, grief, and death can have a significant impact. a person's mental and emotional well-being

Ways to cope during the grieving process
Face your feelings
Express your feelings tangibly or creatively
Try to maintain your hobbies and interests
Plan for grief “triggers.”
Look after your physical health

Mental illness is a broad phrase that refers to a variety of conditions that affect a person's ideas, perceptions, feelings, and behaviors.

Anxiety disorder
Behavioral and emotional disorders
Bipolar affective disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder

https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/ ServicesAndSupport/types-of-mentalhealth-issues-and-illnesses?viewAsPdf=true

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