
Fruits. Fructose, Explication Scientifique sur notre Métabolisme. Cancer, Diabete, Obésite.

▬ Scientifiques videos ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬


Mes Playlists: https://www.youtube.com/c/CancerTherapy/playlists
Livres en Francais "MA CROISADE contre le Cancer" LOI 1901 Survivre au Cancer https://www.amazon.fr/Ma-croisade-contre-cancer-autrement/dp/2957478102/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?
"CANCER TERMINAL comment j'ai guéri de l'impossible" Mon nouveau livre https://www.amazon.com/CANCER-TERMINAL-COMMENT-LIMPOSSIBLE-BIEN/dp/2491031280/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=cancer+terminal+comment&qid=1632069313&sr=8-1
ou exuvie.fr https://bit.ly/3vSWOJA
My book in English https://www.amazon.com/MY-BATTLE-AGAINST-CANCER-Survivor-ebook/dp/B09GLBWBYY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3DCH5L71B8IPP&dchild=1&keywords=my+battle+against+cancer&qid=1632495361&sprefix=my+battle%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-1

CONTACT: Guy Tenenbaum
5558 E. Leitner Dr. Coral Springs FL 33067 USA
Survivre au Cancer LOI 1901: [email protected]

Cancer phase terminale détectée en Août 2018 (dit Incurable): Prostate, Os, Ganglions lymphatiques et métastases Stade Phase 4 Group 5 TNM Gleason 9 (rectification Mars 2020) Survie entre 3 mois et 2 ans. Grâce au jeûne, à l'alimentation et aux nutriments Le Samouraï est toujours là !
Tous mes Résultats d'analyses:
Merci Le Samouraï youtube.com/c/CancerTherapy
Pour me joindre: SURVIVRE au CANCER LOI 1901 [email protected].
Odysee Backup: https://odysee.com/@CancerTherapy:d?
- N'abandonnez pas vos traitements au prétexte de méthodes et produits naturels séduisants.
- Si vous voulez prendre des compléments, c'est sous contrôle médical strict. Cela peut-être dangereux.
ENGLISH: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZYfnQMv2YwjQlg_0vQRw6jvy6djayLnv

Pour les RECHERCHES ! Merci pour vos DONS a l'Association Loi 1901 Survivre au Cancer :
Lien directe par PAYPAL (1 clic) [email protected]

For research Thanks for your help to survivefromcancer NON PROFIT
USD: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=RTQ27LYNAZDKE

TOUTES les INFOS sur Facebook ou TWITTER avec les liens ci-dessous: https://www.facebook.com/CancerTherapy1 et https://www.facebook.com/GuyTenenbaum

Mes TCC sont le résultat de mes recherches suite aux travaux de Thomas Seyfried et bien d'autres chercheurs sur la mitochondrie. J'ai étudié les prix Nobel de Otto Warburg 1931 a Jim Alison en 2018 afin de vérifier la "logique" de mes TCC.

Disclaimer of Medical Advice:
You understand and acknowledge that all users of this website are responsible for their own medical care, treatment, and oversight. All of the content provided on the website, including text, treatments, dosages, outcomes, charts, profiles, graphics, photographs, images, advice, messages, and forum postings, are for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
The content is not intended to establish a standard of care to be followed by a user of the website. You understand and acknowledge that you should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health. You also understand and acknowledge that you should never disregard or delay seeking medical advice relating to treatment or standard of care because of information contained in or transmitted through the website.

Cancer Survivor, Guy Tenenbaum and his affiliates, does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, opinions or other information that may be provided on the linked websites. The linked websites and videos may contain text, graphics, images or information that you find offensive. Cancer Survivor, Guy Tenenbaum and his affiliates have no control over and accept no responsibility for such materials.
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