
Ebola virus: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment || Sức Khỏe Mỗi Ngày

People who have recovered from Ebola can still infect others as long as their blood or other body fluids contain Ebola virus, because blood and secretions can remain contaminated with the virus for several weeks.

There is no evidence that Ebola is transmitted through the air or through insect bites.

Masks, gloves, gowns, and goggles can prevent Ebola transmission from patient to caregiver.

Subjects at risk of Ebola virus disease
Ebola virus disease is rare but very serious and occurs mainly in Central and West Africa, however, cases have been reported in other parts of the world. Ebola can affect both men and women, regardless of age.

For most people, the risk of contracting Ebola is very low. However, the risk is increased for some of the following:

People who often come into contact with and care for Ebola patients: are the most at-risk because they may come into contact with the patient's blood or bodily fluids. This subject is usually a family member of the patient, medical staff.

Travelers to Africa: During an outbreak, you are at higher risk of becoming infected if you travel to or work in areas where Ebola outbreaks occur.

People doing animal studies: Researchers and professionals are more likely to contract the Ebola virus if they do animal research, especially on monkeys imported from Africa or the Philippines.

Burial and burial person: Even after death, the bodies of people who have died from Ebola can still transmit the disease.

Prevention of Ebola Virus Disease
When there is an outbreak of disease, the best prevention is not to travel or visit a country that has an Ebola epidemic.

If you must go, pay attention to take protective measures to avoid all infectious agents during travel and contact with epidemic areas. You should talk to your doctor or medical assistance agency in advance if you plan to travel to areas with outbreaks of disease.

After traveling, if you or anyone in your travel group develops signs of fever, headache, or muscle and joint pain within 3 weeks of returning from your trip, contact your doctor immediately and test immediately.

For patients:

Need to be isolated and treated at medical facilities under the guidance of the Ministry of Health; Use the right personal protective equipment to limit the spread of disease. Since Ebola virus is also excreted in semen and breast milk, patients should be counseled on how to prevent transmission after discharge.

For close contacts:

Caregivers should strictly follow personal protective measures (wearing masks, eye protection, hats, protective gloves, shoe covers, clothing) and washing hands with soap or hand sanitizer. other bacteria after each contact with an infected person.

Pay attention to good personal hygiene, wash your hands with soap and use antiseptics for the nose and throat.

Measures to diagnose Ebola virus disease
Ebola virus disease is difficult to diagnose because the initial signs and symptoms are quite similar to some diseases such as typhoid, malaria, cholera, other viral hemorrhagic fevers... If a doctor suspects someone has Ebola virus , they will order blood tests to quickly determine the strain of the virus, including the Elisa test and the PCR test, which:

Blood index formula: often with leukopenia, thrombocytopenia

Blood biochemistry: increased AST, ALT. Serum creatinine and urea may be elevated during disease progression.

Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.

Measures to treat Ebola virus disease
The only way to overcome Ebola virus disease early is to go to the hospital, specialized medical facilities to receive treatment from the moment exposure to the virus is suspected or the symptoms are still in its infancy.

Currently, there is no vaccine to prevent this disease, scientists are still in the process of studying through testing some treatments against the disease by destroying infected cells.

Doctors usually relieve and control symptoms of the disease by:

Administer fluids and electrolytes through oral or intravenous administration

Breathe oxygen

Prescribing medication to regulate blood pressure

Blood transfusion compensates for the loss of blood

Treatment of other infections.

Isolate Ebola patient to prevent transmission

The consequences of the Ebola epidemic were extremely serious, considered "one of the most deadly diseases ever known". Ebola not only takes the patient's life, but also hides the risk of a pandemic outbreak. Even those who are determined to have been cured are always at risk of relapse, which is worrisome because there is currently no vaccine as well as a radical treatment for this disease.
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