
Complete Human Genome Mapped By Scientists For The First Time Ever

The human genome has been completely mapped by scientists for the first time ever!

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After more than 20 years, scientists have successfully mapped the complete human genome. Researchers say it contains over six billion “letters” of DNA.

That's more letters than McDonalds sold burgers so far this year! A stack that would reach 8 feet! I KID!!! It's a joke!

Knowing every inch of the human genome opens the door to exploring all aspects of human development which genetics determine — shedding new light on diseases, intelligence, and even physical appearance.

**Wait a minute... You want three legs, I we got that... you want eyes on the back of your head... no problem! Special orders don't upset us!

Seriously though!

Genes control everything from eye and hair color, to height, to the size of your nose. The breakthrough is a “Rosetta stone” for understanding complex mutations underlying illness and evolution.

In 2003, scientists published a revised draft which was still missing more than eight percent on the genome. The hard-to-sequence long stretches were the most complex, full of repeating letters. They were impossible to decipher with the technology at the time. Now, an international team finally has.

Lead author Dr. Adam Phillippy from the University of Maryland said – QUOTE –- “In the future, when someone has their genome sequenced, we will be able to identify all of the variants in their DNA and use that information to better guide their healthcare,”

He said it getting this done is like putting on a new pair of glasses... We are lost but now are found-uh... blind-uh but now we see-uh... the clouds have parted and the rain has stopped us...

Co-author Professor Evan Eichler said that The complete blueprint is going to revolutionize the way the scientific community thinks about human genomic variation, disease and evolution.

The Human Genome Project has taken more than two decades to reach this point and cost $3 billion.

The six billion letters of DNA are spread among 23 pairs of chromosomes. To read a genome, scientists first chop up all that DNA into pieces hundreds to thousands of letters long. Most cells contain two genomes ­– one from the father and one from the mother.

Other key advances included rapid improvements in Oxford University’s gene sequencing machines that can accurately read a million letters of DNA at a time.
**So kinda like when I upgraded to my cable modem! Nice!

Complex gene patterns may have helped create the human species and explain our rapid evolution. Some associated with bigger brains are highly variable, Prof. Eichler notes. One person might have 10 copies of a particular gene, while others only have one or two.
*raise had... "Guilty"

This can spell trouble during fertilization, when chromosomes from mom and dad line up and swap pieces. The mismatched genes can lead to an earthquake of alterations.

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