
Balance Assessment Test - Romberg's Test - Clinical Skills - Dr Gill

Balance Assessment Test - Romberg's Test - Clinical Skills - Dr Gill

The Romberg test is typically performed on patients reporting issues with balance and vertigo who may have been experiencing falls

The Romberg's test allows a clinician to narrow down to cause of imbalance to either a vestibular issue or a problem with proprioception.

The Romberg's test would be positive in conditions affecting the dorsal columns, as such it is a clinical skill often performed in neurological examinations.

As Romberg's sign or a positive rombergs test may be seen in both vestibular and proprioceptive issues it may occur in many conditions - which would include:

Parkinson’s disease.
Friedreich’s ataxia.

- Tertiary syphilis.
- Wernicke’s syndrome.
- Ménière’s disease.
- Vitamin B12 deficiency.
- Posterior cord artery infarction syndrome.
- certain cerebellar issues

#Clinicalskills #Rombergs #DrGill
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