
"A new DISEASE will attack The Earth" - Virgin Mary to Luz De Maria end times

Beloved People of My Son, you must maintain due respect for the present disease and take the measures necessary so that you would not fall prey to it. I have given you the natural medicines necessary to free yourselves from this disease.
Continue without fear, do not be seized with fear; be aware of Divine Love so that you would not lose Faith and so that you would remain in Hope and Divine Mercy.
Even if the Communist leaders, Masons and Illuminati of the Earth have prepared everything in order to make you fall into a panic, do not let them lead you into this trap. Keep in mind that This Is Not The End Of The World, But Of This Generation, Which Is Why You Are Facing Such Chaos caused by disobedience regarding My Revelations - those already fulfilled, those being fulfilled and those about to be fulfilled. The Devil knows this, and being aware of it, he has unleashed his fury against My children in order to lead them to damnation.

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Private revelation is an authentic revelation (through word) addressed to the individual, which, however, does not impose on all the direct obligation of faith (and which is not communicated by God to the Magisterium of the Church for guardianship and public announcement). [YC 10]

Such mystical revelation to the individual for the guidance of his life and for his salvation is entirely possible; respecting it may be an obvious duty of faith for that individual. To recognize such a revelation as authentic requires compliance with the ecclesiastical revelation (general revelation in Jesus Christ). Also, such an authentic private revelation, taking place in the depths of conscience, may be deformed or misinterpreted by man; exaltation and fanaticism are often the source of delusions which are subjective, sudden manifestations of the subconscious and which are misinterpreted as private revelation.
Authentic private revelations can also form the basis of an individual's prophetic mission to the Church, but that does not mean that they can be regarded as an improvement or even a supplement to the final revelation in Jesus Christ - it is absolutely not possible; they can only inspire the Church to act adapted to the ever-changing situation, but always in accordance with the one and unchanging Gospel.

K. Rahner, H. Vorgrimler, Small Theological Dictionary.

#EndTimes #apocalypse #jesus

the message of St. Archangel Michael, Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Michael the Archangel, The Message of Mary, Gisella Cardia, The Message of Mary Trevignano, Pedro Regis,

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#Message #luzdemariadebonilla #TrevignanoRomano #JesusMessage #medjugorie #MaryMessage #NewOrder #PedroRegis #GiselleCardia #MichaelArchangel

"A new DISEASE will attack The Earth" - Virgin Mary to Luz De Maria end times
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