
1757: 8 Best Night Shift Health Tips by Deevra Norling with Elly McGuinness on Nocturnal Work...

Deevra Norling with Elly McGuinness shares the 8 best night shift health tips

Episode 1757: 8 Best Night Shift Health Tips by Deevra Norling with Elly McGuinness on Nocturnal Work Healthy Habits

Elly is a holistic health coach, online fitness coach and author who believes that food is medicine and knows that your results come from what you do most of the time, not some of the time. While she leans towards natural medicine, she recognizes that an integrative approach is often the most positive way forward. She helps clients take control of adrenal fatigue, depression, insomnia, stress, IBS and chronic fatigue.

The original post is located here: https://ellymcguinness.com/blog/night-shift-health-tips/

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