
Помощни вещества: лактоза безводная, микрокристална целулоза, прежелатинирано нишесте, макрогол , Хидрогенирано рициново масло, gipromelloza, Титанов диоксид Е , червен железен оксид Е , талк, пропилен гликол. Това води до инхибиране на ADP-зависимата тромбоцитна агрегация. Това също води до инхибиране на агрегирането на тромбоцитите под въздействието на други стимули; намалява ефекта на ADP, произведени във всяка активира тромбоцитите, и стимулира агрегацията на тромбоцитите останалите. Ефект на клопидогрел трае през целия живот на на тромбоцитите, функцията на тромбоцитите се възстановява чрез дни след спиране на клопидогрел. След обработката на ефекта на клопидогрел върху агрегация и времето на кървене обикновено намалява с 5 дни.

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Зилт (општина)

Code of automatic telephone exchange: B01AC Release form: Firm dosage forms. Indications to use: Acute myocardial infarction.

Ischemic stroke. Occlusion of arteries. Acute coronary syndrome. General characteristics. Structure: Active ingredient: 97, mg of a klopidogrel of hydrosulphate that corresponds to 75 mg of a klopidogrel. Excipients: lactose anhydrous, cellulose microcrystallic, starch prezhelatinizirovanny, a macrogoal , the castor oil hydrogenated. Cover: gipromelloza 6 Wednesday, titanium dioxide, talc, dye ferrous oxide red E , propylene glycol.

Biotransformation of a klopidogrel is necessary for development of action. Klopidogrel also inhibits the aggregation of thrombocytes caused by other agonists, blocking activation of thrombocytes the released ADF. Klopidogrel acts is irreversible due to change of a configuration of a receptor of ADF. Therefore the thrombocytes treated to action of a klopidogrel remain inactivated during the entire period of their life; and recovery of normal function of thrombocytes is possible with a speed, the corresponding speed of updating of thrombocytes.

At daily reception of a klopidogrel in a dose of 75 mg from the first day of reception considerable suppression ADF-indutsiruyemoy of aggregation of thrombocytes which gradually increases within days is noted and then reaches constant level at achievement of an equilibrium state. Aggregation of thrombocytes and a bleeding time gradually are returned to reference values usually in 5 days after treatment cancellation. Klopidogrel is quickly soaked up at course reception in a dose of 75 mg a day.

Klopidogrel - pro-medicine. The active metabolite, thiol derivative, is formed by oxidation of a klopidogrel to 2-oxo-klopidogrela and the subsequent hydrolysis. Oxidation of a klopidorel happens preferential to the help of isoenzymes 2B6 and 3A4 of P cytochrome and to a lesser extent - isoenzymes 1A1, 1A2 and 2C The active thiol metabolite allocated to in vitro quickly it is also irreversible contacts receptors of thrombocytes, suppressing their aggregation.

This metabolite in plasma is not defined. The pharmacokinetics of the main circulating metabolite has linear in the range of doses of a klopidogrel from 50 to mg. This binding not saturable in the big range of concentration.

An elimination half-life of the main circulating metabolite after reception of one dose and reception of repeated doses — 8 hours.

Besides, all patients had a good clinical portability. The maximum concentration of a klopidogrel at single use and at repeated use at patients with cirrhosis were many times higher, than at healthy faces. Nevertheless, plasma concentration of the main circulating metabolite and ADF-indutsirovannaya aggregation of thrombocytes, and also a bleeding time were comparable between groups.

Several polymorphic enzymes of the P system participate in activation of a klopidogrel. The isoenzyme of CYP2C19 is involved in education, both an active metabolite, and an intermediate metabolite — a 2-oksoklopidogrel. The pharmacokinetics and antithrombocytic effects of an active metabolite of a klopidogrel investigated by means of aggregation of thrombocytes of ex vivo differ, depending on CYP2C19 isoenzyme genotype.

Inside, irrespective of meal. At an acute coronary syndrome: mg once , then - 75 mg once a day in combination with acetylsalicylic acid mg a day. Simultaneous use of a klopidogrel and the anticoagulants accepted inside is not recommended because of possible strengthening of intensity of bleeding see the section "Interaction with Other Medicines".

If to the patient invasive intervention is planned, and the antithrombocytic effect is temporarily undesirable, reception of a klopidogrel needs to be cancelled in 7 days prior to operation. Patients have to inform doctors including the stomatologist on reception of a klopidogrel before carrying out any invasive operation and before reception of any new drugs.

Klopidogrel extends a bleeding time and therefore it has to be applied with care at patients with the diseases contributing to development of bleeding especially, digestive tract and intraocular. TTP is characterized by thrombocytopenia and mikroangiopatichesky hemolitic anemia in combination with neurologic frustration, a renal failure or fever.

TTP — a state, potentially life-threatening and demanding immediate therapy, including a plasmapheresis. Klopidogrel do not recommend during the first 7 days after an acute ischemic stroke not enough data. Experience of use of a klopidogrel for patients with diseases of kidneys is limited.

Therefore at such patients klopidogret it is necessary to apply with care. Experience of use of a klopidogrel for patients with a moderate liver failure risk of development of hemorrhagic diathesis is also limited. Therefore to these patients klopidogret it is necessary to take with caution.

Зилт patients should not accept with rare hereditary intolerance of a galactose, deficit of lactase of Lapp or with a glucose galactose sprue. Зилт contains the hydrogenated castor oil which can cause dyspepsia or diarrhea. As clinical data on use of a klopidogrel during pregnancy are absent, as a precautionary measure drug is not recommended to be used during pregnancy.

Whether it is excreted klopidogret in breast milk of the person, it is unknown. In researches on animals penetration of a klopidogrel into breast milk was proved.

Therefore in need of therapy klopidogrely it is recommended to stop breastfeeding. Klopidogrel has no significant effect on the abilities necessary for driving. From a respiratory organs: often - a phlegm with blood; very seldom - bleedings from respiratory tracts a pneumorrhagia, pulmonary bleedings , a bronchospasm , an intersticial pneumonitis. From digestive organs: often - gastrointestinal bleedings , diarrhea , an abdominal pain, dyspepsia ; not often - stomach ulcer and a duodenum, gastritis , vomiting , nausea , locks, a meteorism ; seldom - retroperitoneal bleedings ; very seldom - gastrointestinal and retroperitoneal bleedings with a lethal outcome, pancreatitis , colitis including ulcer or lymphocytic colitis , stomatitis , disturbances of indicators of function of a liver, hepatitis , an acute liver failure.

From bodies of a musculoskeletal system: seldom - skeletal and muscular bleedings hemarthrosis , arthritis , an arthralgia , a mialgiya.

From urinogenital system: not often — a hamaturia ; seldom - a glomerulonephritis , increase in creatinine of blood. From a sense body: not often - eye hemorrhages conjunctival, ocular, retinal ; seldom — вертиго.

Laboratory indicators: not often - lengthening of a bleeding time , a neutropenia , thrombocytopenia. Allergic reactions: very seldom - a serum disease , anaphylactoid reactions. Others: often - bleeding in the place of a puncture; seldom — fever. Due to the risk of bleedings and other hematologic undesirable effects against the background of therapy klopidogrely at emergence of clinical symptoms, suspicious on developing of bleeding, it is necessary to make urgently clinical blood test, to define the activated partial tromboplastinovy time APTT ; quantity of thrombocytes, indicators of functional activity of thrombocytes and to conduct other necessary researches.

Klopidogrel it is necessary to apply with care at patients with the increased risk Peroral anticoagulants: simultaneous use of a klopidogrel and peroral anticoagulants is not recommended possibly strengthening of intensity of bleedings.

Acetylsalicylic acid ASK : ASK does not influence the suppression of aggregation of thrombocytes caused klopidogrely induced by ADF, but klopidogret exponentiates action of ASK on collagen - the induced aggregation of thrombocytes. Nevertheless, the concomitant use of mg of ASK two times a day within one day significantly does not extend the bleeding time caused by reception of a klopidogrel.

Pharmakodinamichesky interaction between klopidogrely and ASK is possible, and leads to increase in risk of bleedings. Considering it, it is necessary to be careful at a concomitant use of these drugs see the section "Special Instructions". Heparin: according to clinical trial change of a dose of heparin was not required from healthy faces at reception of a klopidogrel, and anticoagulating effect of heparin also did not change.

Combined use of heparin did not exert impact on suppression of aggregation of thrombocytes klopidogrely. Perhaps pharmakodinamichesky interaction between klopidogrely and heparin, leading to increase in risk of bleeding. Therefore simultaneous use of these drugs demands care see the section "Special Instructions". Trombolitiki: safety of simultaneous use of a klopidogrel, fibrinspetsifichesky or nonspecific trombolitik and heparin was estimated at patients with an acute myocardial infarction.

Frequency of development of clinically significant bleedings was comparable to that frequency at simultaneous use of trombolitik, heparin with ASK see the section "Side effect". Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NPVP : according to one clinical trial with participation of healthy volunteers simultaneous use of a klopidogrel and Naproxenum increased the hidden gastrointestinal losses of blood.

Nevertheless, in view of a lack of researches on interaction with other NPVP it is not known now whether the risk of gastrointestinal bleedings for all NPVP increases.

Other accompanying therapy: several clinical trials with klopidogrely and another at the same time appointed medicinal for the purpose of studying of possible pharmakodinamichesky and pharmacokinetic interactions were conducted. However, the inhibition of activity of P 2C9 cytochrome a carboxyl metabolite of a klopidogrel is possible. Potentially it can lead to increase in plasma concentration of drugs, such as Phenytoinum and Tolbutamidum, and also NPVP which are metabolized by P 2C9 cytochrome.

Symptoms: the overdose of a klopidogrel can lead to lengthening of a bleeding time and the subsequent complications in the form of development of bleedings. Treatment: for the purpose of correction of the extended bleeding time transfusion of a platelet concentrate is necessary. There is no antidote of a klopidogrel.

On 7 tablets in the blister blister strip packaging. Klopidogrel, the tab. Main Sections of medicine Obstetrics Allergology and immunology Angiology Andrology Anesthesiology and resuscitation Venereology Gastroenterology Hematology Gynecology Dermatology Diagnosis laboratory and tool Infectious diseases and parasitology Cardiology Medical genetics Narcology Disturbances of vitamin and mineral exchange Disbolism Neurology Nephrology Oncology Otorhinolaryngology Ophthalmology Pediatrics and neonatology Effects of influence of the external reasons Psychiatry Pulmonology Rheumatology Stomatology Toxicology Traumatology and orthopedics Urology Phthisiology Surgery Endocrinology.

Medical supplies Reference book of diseases. Medical drugs Reference book diseases. Similar drugs Кворекс Anticoagulant. Inhibitor of aggregation of thrombocytes.

Градоначалникот на Зилт - нацист

Таблетки: круглые, слегка двояковыпуклые, покрытые пленочной оболочкой розового цвета. Вид на поперечном разрезе: белая или почти белая шероховатая масса с пленочной оболочкой розового цвета. Подавление агрегации тромбоцитов является необратимым и продолжается на протяжении всего жизненного цикла клеток примерно 7—10 дней , поэтому скорость восстановления нормальной функции тромбоцитов соответствует скорости их обновления. Агрегация тромбоцитов, индуцированная другими агонистами, помимо АДФ , также ингибируется вследствие блокады усиленной активации тромбоцитов под действием АДФ.

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ЗИЛТ® инструкция, аналоги и состав

Листовка: информация за потребителя Zyllt 75 mg филмирани таблетки Клопидогрел Clopidogrel Прочетете внимателно цялата листовка преди да започнете да приемате това лекарство, тъй като тя съдържа важна за Вас информация. Запазете тази листовка. Може да се наложи да я прочетете отново. Ако имате някакви допълнителни въпроси, попитайте Вашия лекар или фармацевт. Това лекарство е предписано единствено и лично на Вас. Не го преотстъпвайте на други хора. То може да им навреди, независимо че признаците на тяхното заболяване са същите като Вашите. Ако получите някакви нежелани лекарствени реакции, включително неописани в тази листовка нежелани реакции, уведомете Вашия лекар или фармацевт.



Потърсете повече. Зилт 75 мг табл. Zyllt 75 mg tabl. Зилт 75 мг таблетки е лекарствен продукт, който се отпуска по лекарско предписание. Активното вещество в него се нарича клопидогрел и спада към групата на тромбоцитните антиагреганти.

Code of automatic telephone exchange: B01AC Release form: Firm dosage forms.

Зилт таблетки 75 мг х 28

Герман герм. Хоёр улс онд нэгджээ. Засгийн газрыг Канцлер удирдана. ДНБ нь дэлхийд тавд худалдан авах чадвараар харьцуулсан , эсвэл гуравт нэрлэсэн ордог. Заале , Хафель голууд Эльбед цутгах чухал голын тоонд багтдаг.

Зилт - Адаптована інструкція

Статьи по теме "Аналог "плавикса" - препарат "зилт". Оцените, пожалуйста статью. Еще статьи раздела. Как раньше лечили? Как кто курит? Как обмануть тест на наркотики? Как удаляют почку? Как вылечить зависимость?

Зилт — остров во северна Германија, дел од округот Северна Фризија, во сојузната покраина Шлезвиг-Холштајн. Островот е препознатлив по својот облик.

Аналог "плавикса" - препарат "зилт". инструкция

Таблетки, покрытые пленочной оболочкой розового цвета, круглые, слегка двояковыпуклые; вид на поперечном разрезе - белая или почти белая шероховатая масса с пленочной оболочкой розового цвета. Вспомогательные вещества: лактоза безводная - Состав пленочной оболочки: гипромеллоза 6cp - 5.

КЛОПИДОГРЕЛ табл. 75 мг. * 30

ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: Зилт подача с маркировкой из тяжелого водоема.

Your input will affect cover photo selection, along with input from other users. Од година, Зилт е поврзан со морето преку Хинденбурговиот насип. Во поново време претставува одморалиште за германската естрада и високата класа и туристи во потрага по славни лица. Низинската кора кон Ваденското Море постепено ги претворило мочуриштата во плодна почва околу Зилт-Ост. Денес, изворите покажуваат дека Зилт станал остров по Големата поплава во година. Просечно во денот на Зилт сонцето грее по 4,4 часа.

Препарат Зилт относится к фармакологической группе лекарственных средств антиагрегационные препараты. Он используется в комплексной терапии сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, которые характеризуются высоким риском образования тромбов.

Зилт: инструкция по применению

Градоначалникот Николас Хекел беше видно потресен додека држеше говор пред споменикот подигнат во чест на Николас Хекел е огорчен поради тоа. Во Варшавското востание против германските окупатори учествувале Но, помошта изостанала и полската престолнина платила голем данок во крв. За време на борбите кои траеле два месеци, убиени се околу За нацистичкото минато на бившиот градоначалник таа знаела понешто, но не ги знале деталите. Во разговор за ДВ таа вели дека им простила на извршителите.

То е второто по натовареност летище в Германия по брой обслужени пътници след летище Франкфурт и седмото най-натоварено летище в Европа. През летището са преминали 39,7 милиона пътници през г. Най-голямата чуждестранна компания, обслужваща полети до летище Мюнхен, на база превозени пътници е Air Dolomiti.

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  1. omobat

    Доброго времени суток, уважаемые коллеги и друзья. Много времени я потратил на поиски хорошего блога сходной тематики, но многие из них не устраивали меня отсутствием или недостатком информации, глупыми интерфейсами и прочим. Сейчас я нашёл что хотел и решил внести свой комментарий. Хотелось бы, уважаемые господа администраторы, чтоб ваш блог и далее развивался таким темпом, количество людей неуклонно росло, а страниц становилось всё больше и больше. Адрес вашего блога запомнил надолго и надеюсь войти в ряды самых активных пользователей. Огромное спасибо всем, кто меня выслушал и уделил минутку свободного времени на прочтение данного комментария. Ещё раз спасибо. Виталий.

  2. Вероника

    Извините за то, что вмешиваюсь… У меня похожая ситуация. Давайте обсудим. Пишите здесь или в PM.