121 удар сердца в минуту

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ПОСМОТРИТЕ ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: 128 ударов сердца в минуту — Русский трейлер (2015)

Что делать, если пульс 100 ударов в минуту?

There is not a wealth of open source information available relating to this attack, but this article will attempt to gather the available information to corroborate the MSF account of the airstrike. The first part of this article will attempt to establish the type of weapon used in the attack from an evaluation of available open source information and witness testimonies. In the second part, a widely shared video from the Associated Press of the aftermath of the attack will be verified by geolocating the path of the cameraman through the video and the corroborating evidence of two additional photographs.

The MSF account details how the aerial attack lasted for just over an hour:. Update: The U. On October 1 st , Mustafa Kazema reported that the U. Not aware if UAVs deployed. Since the attack took place, many have speculated that the ACH Spectre model was used see here , here , and here for examples ; however, this does not seem to be the case.

This graphic from The Washington Post shows the various weapon systems on the ACU gunship, including a mm howitzer:. A mm howitzer and possibly a 40mm gun were likely used in the airstrike, judging by the patterns of damage. The two videos below show the attack pattern of the gunship, depicting events fairly close to the attack pattern described by MSF witnesses:. The witness testimonies provided by the MSF reinforce this hypothesis.

Witness testimonies attest that a single plane carried out the attack, and was heard circling above Kunduz:. This happened again and again. When I made it out from the office, the main hospital building was engulfed in flames. The morning after the bombing, one video was shown on nearly every international news organization. This video shows the devastation at the main building of the trauma center. We will verify this video by geolocating the path of the cameraman, along with juxtaposing the scenes from the video with additional photographs from immediately after the bombing and the following morning.

First, we must find the actual location of the trauma center in Kunduz. The facilities at the trauma center are spread throughout a large area in central Kunduz, with a central main building and numerous smaller buildings on the south grounds some photos of these facilities can be found in this blog post.

These smaller buildings were not hit directly by the airstrike, but the main building was devastated, indicating that the main building was likely specifically targeted by the American ACU.

The trauma center is located at coordinates The most recent Google Earth and Bing Maps satellite imagery for the site is outdated, as it does not show numerous constructed facilities to the south of the main building. With TerraServer, we can find the latest satellite imagery for April In this image, we can see all of the constructed buildings to the south of the main facility.

In the video, the cameraman starts off pointing his camera east, while located to the southwest of the main building:. The cameraman then walks around the west part of the building. In this shot, he is facing south, as a vehicle drives by. The area can be recognized by the central garden area at the front entrance, along with two bright green-painted structures along the walkways to the entrance. The overhanging roof of the entrance—which was been destroyed by the blast—is visible on the satellite imagery, most notably by the long shadow cast.

Finally, at the end of the clip, the cameraman walks northwards towards the entrance gate of the facility, before looking back at the scene. The path of the cameraman is indicated below, with the yellow arrow marking the point of view of the photographer in the night photograph.

The veracity of this video has not been widely questioned, as it was distributed by the Associated Press, and there are no red flags indicating that the video was misrepresented. Additionally, confirmation from the U. Aric Toler started volunteering for Bellingcat in and has been on staff since Enter your email address to receive a weekly digest of Bellingcat posts, links to open source research articles, and more.

The question is: Who was killed? In an airstrike the object is to kill people. I suggest there was a bigwig in that hospital who is now dead. A muddled situation like a firefight in the middle of the night is hard to decipher. Was there firing going on and were US troops involved. It would seem some one had contact with the Spooky as that is a tactical asset not freely used on a whim.

My guess is some SOF guys were there as liaisons and got ambushed. Spooky is great asset when used properly as it is pretty accurate and can bring a variety of fires onto a target, even in residential areas. The platform has better night sighting capabilities than a Cobra or Apache and also greater on-site time. A lot of decisions to be investigated, but so sad to see the results and for MSF to leave.

John, it would seem your idea would be a no go from the beginning. Getting at a big whig while destroying a hospital is a nightmare. It would be much easier to send in and assassination team than to risk the wholesale condemnation that would come from hitting the hospital like that. Typically Bellingcat refuses to condemn the attack, instead being open to the idea MSF are lying about Taliban being not present in the hospital.

Should you be open to all possibilities Rod? BC or Aric makes no statement about this. They just present evidence and strong evidence quickly.

Aric wrote — The MSF, which has shown no reason to be considered untrustworthy in its account of the airstrike. Everyone condemn the lose of life of Doctors and volunteer medics. There is another side to the story and you should explore that before you express antiUSA hatred if it is not justified. And right now, there is doubt because Taliban were in the buildings and MSF admit this.

MSF are committed to treat all injured in conflicts including soldiers and combatants from both sides. It is most likely that there were wounded Taliban combatants being treated in the hospital, and MSF was fully justified in treating those wounded people from all sides.

If this is being used as an excuse by either the Afghan government or the U. There are other things they could have done that would have voided their status as non combatants as well.

It sounds like you are taking MSF at face value and I encourage you to look deeper. But still possible. Boggled, you are mistaken. The Conventions still require a proportionate and measured response under such a situation, and also require the responding party to notify the hospital in advance of any attack. And under NO circumstances do the Conventions allow bombing a civilian medical treatment structure as a response to small arms fire.

If the hospital was being used as a sanctuary to fire on Afghan or Coalition troops, then it looses any and all protections it previously enjoyed under Geneva. Geneva also stipulates medical facilities should be clearly marked. The facility also looks large enough that it is entirely possible Taliban forces were using a portion of the building as a fighting position without the knowledge of MSF staff. Dennis do you have something in particular? Bellingcat seem quite open and many possibilities are thrown up and discussed in the comment boards here.

I am sorry you might still think the SU25 attack on MH17 is a possibility, there are people that still think the Earth is flat and there is a twin Earth hiding behind the sun. They are wrong with the evidence we have at hand. IF you can prove there is a camouflaging method that is hiding a planet behind the sun, share it, we would love to be among the first to know and to work with proving or disproving it. You are welcome to present opinions but if they are BS and repeatedly shot down but still getting presented, eventually the person s that repeats that comment is considered a troll and probably will get banned by the moderators.

Same thing happens on RT comment boards and others.. I doubt it, but there is a slim chance a smoking gun would be produced. It is not looking too good for Ukraine with the coincidence of Ukrainian airport primary and military radars being offline and down for maintenance, to me. BUT there may be factual evidence and a valid reason and it is true. And I am not sure who rifled through the pilots bodies looking for shrapnel. Regardless, you are welcome to present arguments and comments from what I have seen, but when you abuse that privilege, the moderators of Bellingcat have a job to do.

The who is indisputable, the why is the real question. First, the US military willingness to target an hospital is improbably, it is a too messy outcome to compensate any tactical advantage. Second, we know that the Afghan army asked for the strike but according to MSF, the absence of evidence, and of any witnesses the Talibans were not present in the hospital at any time. So the real question is: What was the relation between the local Afghan commander and the Hospital management?

Not only the MSF hospital accept wounded talibans, but also a hospital carries a lot of wealth in medicines and medical appliances. It is easy to imagine that this bizarre even was the result of a disagreement between a local Afghan commander and the MSF hospital, the Commander using the US army as a proxy for retaliation and the US army bombing without the proper verification.

Any witnesses speaking about the relation Afghan Army and the Hospital? I wonder if those who were so quick to condemn USA military on this tragedy are also flooding RT right now screaming about Russia bombing Syrian hospitals. I read the total now is 9 hospitals completely destroyed by the Kremlin bombing campaign to keep ASSad in power. Aric, have you seen many reports on Russia mass media sites? Has there been an outcry at the UN? Not to mention also the school and religious institutions.

I have heard Kremlin has bombed 4 Mosques and leveled them already. If this is a war crime we need to know how it was possible and make the distinction between the persons who maybe have made a mistake and those who may have made a murder.

This is about one that was not clearly marked, and may have been used as a sniper location or a main command and communications hub directing Taliban attacks at Afghani Special Forces.

I do not think all 9 of the Syrian hospitals were used as command bunkers for various terrorist groups attacking ASSad or Russians troops. All I am saying is where is the outcry from liberal media and from even Russian media for that matter? How about other UN groups that are so vocal when there is just a hint of Israel or USA coalition forces hitting a target that MIGHT have hurt civilians although usually the Palestinians and others are just using the civilians as human shields to shoot from behind or hide missiles in UN sponsored schools?

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Ударов в минуту

Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S. L for short. Station is an object unobtainable by players through normal means. Interacting with this will bring up SAIL whom will provide information about the current status of the ship, allow players to manage their Crew and allow them to select the various missions. The object itself manages which one of the pets spawns on the ship and is randomized for each character when starting a game. Originally, during beta , this station was used to equip techs. That functionality was moved to the Tech Console in update Cheerful Giraffe.

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121 удар сердца в минуту

В кровеносной системе организма именно сердце является ведущим органом: его слаженная и бесперебойная деятельность обеспечивает человеку жизнь и здоровье. На протяжении всей жизни человеческое сердце усердно трудится, совершая от пятидесяти до ста пятидесяти ударов в минуту. Когда оно сокращается фаза систолы , происходит движение крови в организме, доставка к органам кислорода и питательных веществ. Потом сердце расслабляется, наступает период покоя фаза диастолы. Здоровое сердце переходит из фазы в фазу через одинаковые промежутки времени.

Пульс 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 считается нормальным только для тренированных, находящихся в хорошей физической форме людей, для остальных — нет. В обычном состоянии покоя пульс здорового человека находится в диапазоне от 60 до ударов в минуту, поэтому ритм ЧСС выходящий из рамок нормы считается низким и называется брадикардией.

Нормальное сердцебиение в минуту

Online and in the December 24 issue of Physical Review Letters , Cowsik and his collaborators put their finger on what appears to be an insurmountable problem with the experiment. OPERA reported online and in Physics Letters B in September that the neutrinos arrived at Gran Sasso some 60 nanoseconds sooner than they would have arrived if they were traveling at the speed of light in a vacuum. Neutrinos are thought to have a tiny, but nonzero, mass. According to the theory of special relativity, any particle that has mass may come close to but cannot quite reach the speed of light. So superluminal faster than light neutrinos should not exist. The neutrinos in the experiment were created by slamming speeding protons into a stationary target, producing a pulse of pions — unstable particles that were magnetically focused into a long tunnel where they decayed in flight into muons and neutrinos.

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There is not a wealth of open source information available relating to this attack, but this article will attempt to gather the available information to corroborate the MSF account of the airstrike. The first part of this article will attempt to establish the type of weapon used in the attack from an evaluation of available open source information and witness testimonies. In the second part, a widely shared video from the Associated Press of the aftermath of the attack will be verified by geolocating the path of the cameraman through the video and the corroborating evidence of two additional photographs. The MSF account details how the aerial attack lasted for just over an hour:. Update: The U. On October 1 st , Mustafa Kazema reported that the U. Not aware if UAVs deployed.

Нормальное сердцебиение в минуту. В кровеносной системе организма именно сердце является ведущим органом: его слаженная и бесперебойная деятельность обеспечивает человеку жизнь .

Что значит пульс 120?

Всем доброе утро!! Вступите в группу , и вы сможете просматривать изображения в полном размере. Мне кажется, когда происходит формирование кровообращения,тогда и происходит первый удар сердца. Это нормально и объяснимо.

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The next Open Days is are held on 6 and 7 March and are organised for pupils in years 4, 5 and 6 of pre-university education vwo who are closer to making a decision about a degree programme. The information given on our open days is mainly in Dutch. More information about the programme and the possibility to register will follow in February Programmes Menu openen. Information and experience Menu sluiten. Practical matters Menu openen.

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Пульс — это толчок крови в сосудах при сокращении сердца, производящий колебания стенок кровеносных сосудов. Пульс характеризуется следующими пара метрами: частота, ритм, напряжение и наполнение. Измерение пульса весьма достоверно свидетельствует о состоянии человека. Пульс проще всего прощупать на передней поверхности предплечья между лучевой костью и сухожилиями сгибателей запястья. Но если это сделать невозможно, то пульс исследуют на какой-либо другой артерии: височной, сонной, бедренной, локтевой.

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